Amalgamated Transit Union Local #265
San Jose California
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    Weingarten Rights

    Know Your Rights!
    "If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my Union representative, officer, or steward be present at this meeting.    

    Without Union representation, I choose not to answer questions.   




    When management begins to ask you questions that could lead to you being disciplined, you don’t have to face it alone.  If you have a reasonable belief that answers you give could be used by the supervisor to discipline you, the United States Supreme Court says you can refuse to answer any questions until a union representative is on the scene and has had a chance to talk things over with you first.  It is your right to have the union representative present during the questioning to advise you, ask supervisors for clarifications, and provide additional information at the end of the session.  The employee subject to the interview must reasonably believe that the investigatory interview will result in disciplinary action.  A meeting called by the employer for the purpose of imposing discipline, is not an interview subject to Weingarten Rights.

  • Contact Us
    Amalgamated Transit Union Local 265
    1590 La Pradera Dr
    Campbell, CA 95008-1533

    Phone: (408) 874-0900
    Fax: (408)874-0907
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